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Marriage On The Rock

  • 11 Steps


Hi, and welcome to Marriage On The Rock. Created by Pastor Jimmy Evans of XO Marriage (formerly MarriageToday) is a powerful investment in your relationship. We know firsthand that there is no such thing as a perfect couple. It's all about two people willing to roll up their sleeves and refusing to give up until the rough patches aren't so rough. Trust us, this course saved our marriage! Leah and I are certified through MarriageToday's ministry to counsel couples with God's guide in the Marriage On The Rock curriculum. The 8-lesson course is a private online and self-paced program used by thousands of couples worldwide. We are also SYMBIS facilitators and if you're not familiar with this incredible assessment survey, check it out here. We are praying for you and your marriage. Marriage Matters, Dr. Scott & Leah Silverii Pastors at Five Stones Church Dallas, Texas (USA)

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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